Frequently Asked Questions About The Shepherd Foundation
What is The Shepherd Foundation?
The Shepherd Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity founded in 1986 with a mission to provide tuition assistance to families in need, ensuring that children have the opportunity to receive a Catholic education in the Washington, DC metro area.
What is The Shepherd Foundation’s financial status?
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, The Shepherd Foundation has raised over $14 million, providing tuition assistance to more than 9,000 students across 60 Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese of Washington.
What percentage of donations go toward scholarships?
100% of all donations go directly to tuition assistance. The Shepherd Foundation operates with zero administrative costs funded by donations, ensuring that every dollar contributed directly supports students in need. We assist these children not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic.
Are donations to The Shepherd Foundation tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations to The Shepherd Foundation are fully tax-deductible.
How is tuition assistance distributed
The Shepherd Foundation distributes funds directly to principals and headmasters of Catholic elementary and high schools in the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. These school leaders have the best understanding of their students’ needs and ensure that assistance reaches families who need it most.
What is the average scholarship amount per student?
Grade school students: Receive between $800 – $1,000 in tuition assistance.
High school students: Receive between $1,200 – $3,000 in tuition assistance.
When is The Shepherd Foundation’s Annual awareness campaign?
Our biggest annual awareness event takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving, featuring a special Mass and concert to highlight our mission and engage supporters.
How can I get involved?
The Shepherd Foundation welcomes volunteers to support our mission in various ways, including:
Raising awareness
Serving as Parish Ambassadors
Assisting with Fundraising